Shoot for the Cure
Event Date: September 22, 2024
Event Location:
Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays
Event Address:
2750 Limestone St, Coplay, PA 18037
What we do
It has been such an amazing journey to watch our Cystic Fibrosis team "Courageous Cousins" grow. We are now a 501(c)(3) Non Profit. But we still have so much more work to do! Our team started when cousins Aidan and Benjamin were diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at birth. We were shocked to learn our boys were born with a genetic disease that would forever effect their lives. Research and science has changed so much in the past few years due to the funds generated. WE WILL CONTINUE TO STRIVE FOR A CURE until CF stands for CURE FOUND
We Find & Fund
We are in search of opportunities to help as many as possible.
We Educate
We gather information and answer questions to bring awareness towards families effected by cystic fibrosis.Β Β